2012 Van’s RV-10

The Van’s Aircraft RV-10 is a four-seat, single-engine, low-wing homebuilt airplane sold in kit form by Van’s Aircraft. It is the first four-seat airplane in the popular RV series. The RV-10 first flew on 29 May 2003, and the first kit parts were delivered to a customer in September 2003.

The architect of the line of Van’s aircraft, Richard VanGrunsven, designed the RV-10 to satisfy a market demand for a four-seat version of the popular RV series aircraft. The RV-10 was designed from the start as a touring aircraft and as such it forgoes the aerobatic capabilities and the lighter handling common to the aircraft in the RV line from the RV-3 to RV-8. Instead the RV-10 design focuses on greater stability and payload.

PH-RVX is a well constructed example and PlaneTime is proud to offer this aircraft for sale on behalf of the owners.

The aircraft is based at Budel/De Kempen Airport (EHBD) and can be inspected after making an appointment.




Type: Van's RV-10
Aircraft Registration: PH-RVX
Manufacturer Serial Number: 40550
Maximum Take-Off Mass: 1225 kg
Year of Manufacturing: 2012
Total Time on Airframe: 900
Engines: Lycoming YIO-540-D4A5
Engine Power: 260 hp
Total Time on Engines: 900
Propellers: MT Propeller MTV-12-B/193-53 , 3-bladed adjustable pitch
Total Time on Propellers: 900

Garmin G5
Gyro compass
Turn Coordinator (elec.)
Fuel calculator
Voltage Indicator
Funke 8.33 Khz VHF COM
DigiTrak autopilot with ALT hold function
ATC Transponder (Mode-S)
MGL Stratomaster Voyager
PS Engineering intercom (with playback function)
Panel mounted PTT switches


Seats in a leather/fabric combination in excellent condition.
Interior trim in grey.
Shoulder harnesses are fitted in all positions offering extra protection for the occupants.


PH-RVX was painted/sprayed by an experienced paint shop in a fresh and modern colour scheme. A scheme that makes the aircraft visible to other pilots which is important for an aircraft that is generally faster than the average GA aircraft.


Vetterman Exhaust System
Tire pressure indicator on panel
Door unsafe light
Improved air vents
iPad holder serving as a glove compartment door.
Cabin heat.
Andair fuel selector.
Load meter
Nav Lights
Landing Lights
Strobe Lights
COM Loudspeaker

Price: SOLD